
Showing posts from October, 2019

FWB strips a woman of dignity

Every generation is convinced that they’re discovering America. And I’m convinced that that’s a result of lack of interest in history. A bright and well-read person realizes after all, that we did not invent sex with no strings attached, nor homosexualism, nor drugs, nor the least of all what is called by moralizers a fall of morals. The safety chute just had to give in in the end and release the excess of steam. It’s especially clearly visible after the May bank holiday weekend, that I for one, like to call a holiday of morons, barbecue and hangover. Something of a modern revelry. FWB and FOMO Nowadays we just love to attach brand new, overblown vocabulary to phenomena that have been known for hundreds of years. Today I’ll focus on what’s been named FWB and what the psychologists like to call FOMO. The first one is nothing new but its scale is related directly to the latter, which in turn is derived straight from the complete overstimulation of the modern society and its lack of

Ex still alive

Ex still alive You know this weird feeling when you’re sitting with someone you recently met on a date and you keep hearing things like ‘ ex was this’, ‘ ex used to do that’. Or even worse. You’re sitting at a table. Flirting. You’re talking on some messenger app. And suddenly you say/write something completely innocent, like the fact that you like honey. And suddenly he glares at you. Makes a face. And informs you that his ex also liked honey. And immediately he adds a whole list of negative or unwanted characteristics to you. His imagination goes into overdrive. And the fact that you have nothing more in common with her besides liking towards honey is completely meaningless. Why would I care about your ex... He now sees her in you and whatever you do, he knows best. You’re almost an accomplice of all the harm she caused him. He’s ruled by his jerk reaction. Listen to me, boy. I don’t give a fuck about your ex. And the fact that you can’t deal with your broken little hea